Fig. 2

Miao et al., 2024 - PAX1 represses canonical Wnt signaling pathway and plays dual roles during endoderm differentiation
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Fig. 2

PAX1 interacts with TCF7L2. A Immunofluorescence showed the subcellular localization of TCF7L2 and PAX1 by co-transfection of TCF7L2-flag and PAX1-HA tag fused expression plasmids in HEK293FT cells. DAPI staining revealed the nuclei. Merged image showed that TCF7L2 and PAX1 are co-localized in the nucleus. B-D PAX1 and TCF7L2 or β-catenin (β-Cat) expression plasmids were transfected alone or together into HEK293FT cells and their interaction was determined by co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) and western blotting. TCL: total cell lysate. E The endogenous interaction of PAX1 and TCF7L2 was tested in HCT116 cells. β-Cat and TCF7L2 IPs were used as positive controls. F PAX9 and TCF7L2 expression plasmids were transfected alone or together into HEK293FT cells and their interaction was determined by co-IP and western blotting. G The interactions between PAX1 and TCF/LEF family members were assessed by co-IP assays and western blotting, with PAX1 and TCFs expression plasmids transfection alone or together into HEK293FT cells

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