Whole mount in situ hybridization of grin2bbART mRNA in zebrafish embryos. (A–C) Representative embryos showing the expression of grin2bbART mRNA probe at (A) 12 hpf, (B) 18 hpf, (C) 22 hpf dorsal view and (C′). 22 hpf ventral view. (D,F,H) grin2bbART sense probe showing the absence of grin2bbART signal at 24 hpf, 36 hpf. (E) Dorsal view of 24 hpf showing grin2bbART mRNA expression in the CNS. (E′) enlarged image showing the region in red dotted box in (E). (G) Dorsal view of 36 hpf embryo showing grin2bbARTexpression in the CNS, somites and myotomes. (G′) enlarged image showing the region in red dotted box in (G). (I,I′) grin2bbART expression in the somites. I′ shows the enlarged view of red box in (I). (J) Lateral view of the 48 hpf embryos anterior region probed with the sense riboprobe showing the absence of grin2bbART expression. (K) Lateral view showing grin2bbART expression in the brain and heart of 2 dpf embryo. K′ shows expression in the CNS. (L) Ventral view of the anterion head region of 48 hpf embryo showing grin2bbART expression in the heart. fb, forebrain; mb, mid brain; hb, hind brain; mhb, mid brain hin brain boundary; h, heart; V, ventricle; a; atrium; CNS, Central Nervous system. The experiment was repeated atleast two times and n = 10 animals were analyzed per time points.