Mutation in opn4xa abolishes light sensitivity in pineal opn4xa+ cells (A) Scheme showing the 5’ part of the opn4xa locus and in particular the second exon targeted by the CRISPR guide RNA (target sequence is highlighted in red) as well as the WT and mutant exon2 sequences. (B-C) Counts of the number of opn4xa+ in the RGC layer (B) and the interneuron layer of the retina (C) after in situ hybridization at 4 days (ZT0) (D) Expression of opn4xa in the pineal at 4 days (ZT0) (upper panel) and expression of fos at 3 days after 30 min of illumination (lower panel) Red arrowheads point to individual labelled pineal cells. Dorsal views are shown, anterior is up (E) Counts of the number of opn4xa+ pineal cells. Scale bars respectively represent 10 μm (B) and 5 μm (C-D). n.s: not significant, see results section for details.