The influence of kmt2d deficiency in zebrafish embryos. a) Fifteen embryos per biological replicate were collected for zebrafish qRT-PCR at 6 h post injection. b and c) The level of the H3K4me3 protein. The band density was quantified and expressed as the relative gray value (compared with the control) by arbitrarily setting the control value as 1. Data were pooled from 3 independent experiments, and the results were represented as mean ± SD. d and e) Abnormal phenotypes including small eyes, curved body, pericardial effusion, mandibular deformity, slight tail curvature, and shortened yolk extension were observed in 3 dpf stage. n = 35 for each group. f) Body length was reduced in the kmt2d knockdown zebrafish. n = 19 for each group. g) Dysplasia formation in Meckel’s cartilage, ceratohyals, and ethmoid bones in the embryos with a co-injection of Cas13d mRNA and 3 gRNAs. n = 7 for each group. h) Quantification of length between Meckel’s cartilage and ceratohyal. kmt2d knockdowns were shorter when compared with those of control embryos. n = 7 for each group. eth, ethmoid plate; Cb, ceratobranchial; Ch, ceratohyal; M, Meckel’s cartilage; Pq, palatoquadrate. Scale bar: b) 1,000 μm; e) 500 μm. *P < 0.5, **P < 0.001, ***P < 0.0001.