Phenotypic changes induced by amer1 knockdown, as shown by Alcian and WGA staining. (A–D) Alcian staining of embryos of (A,C) wildtype and (B,D) amer1 knockdown embryos at 4 dpf, showing malformation of Meckel’s and palatoquadrate cartilages in the amer1 knockdown embryos. (E–P) Alcian staining of tissue sections of embryos of (E–J) wildtype and (K–P) amer1 knockdown zebrafish at 4 dpf, showing that Meckel’s cartilage was severely deformed in amer1 knockdown embryos (red rectangles in (M–O)). (Q,R) WGA staining of wildtype embryos, showing regularly distributed, well-shaped chondrocytes, with Meckel’s cartilage and ceratohyal cartilage normally not observed in the same plane. (S–U) WGA staining of amer1 knockdown embryos, showing Meckel’s cartilage (red arrowheads) and palatoquadrate and ceratohyal cartilage (long red arrows) in the same plane. All cartilage was deformed and the arrangement of chondrocytes was disordered.