Mitochondrial disruption leads to alterations in brain volume. A–C Differences in brain volume in mitochondrial mutants and pharmacologically inhibited larvae. Deformation-based morphometry for prodha mutants (A), mrpl40 mutants (B), and Chloramphenicol-treated (C) larvae shows differences in multiple brain areas. Images are sum projections of whole-brain z-stacks. Magenta designates areas that are reduced in volume compared to siblings/controls and Green designates areas that are increased in volume compared to siblings/controls. White outline indicates outline of brain. Analysis performed as in Thyme et al. [35]. Representative images of two biological replicates with at least n = 11 wildtypes/controls and n = 12 mutants/treated. D–E Heatmaps illustrating degree to which volume signals in A–C occupy various brain regions in arbitrary units. Higher values indicate larger reductions (D)/increases (E) in volume in designated region. Values are scaled based on size of the region as performed in Randlett et al. [36]. D diencephalon, M mesencephalon, R rhombencephalon, SC spinal cord, T telencephalon. F–H’ Colocalization of increases in brain volume with gfap reporter line. Average signal of a Tg(gfap:GFP) line that has been registered to the Zebrafish Brain Browser (ZBB) atlas was merged with increased volume signals for prodha mutants (G-G’), mrpl40 mutants (H-H’), and Chloramphenicol-treated (F-F’) larvae. Increased volume colocalizes with GFP signal in multiple brain regions in the ventricle-occupying midline.