Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-231215-126
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- Wu et al., 2021 - Genetic and epigenetic orchestration of Gfi1aa-Lsd1-cebpα in zebrafish neutrophil development
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Gfi1aa targets the proximal promoter of cebpa. (A) cebpa-luciferase reporter activity in HEK 293T cells transfected with pCS2-gfi1aa or pCS2 vector. *P<0.05 (Student's t-test; meanąs.e.m. of three independent experiments). (B) Flowchart of Gfi1aa-eGFP ChIP-seq assay. One-cell-stage embryos were injected with pTol2-hsp-gfi1aa-eGFP construct and heat-shocked at 12 hpf for Gfi1aa-eGFP expression, and then the ChIP assay was performed at 15 hpf. (C) Visualization of Gfi1aa-binding sites by IGV. Gfi1aa-binding sites were detected on cebpa (top) and irf8 (middle) regulatory regions, but not on pu.1 (bottom), as shown by Gfi1aa-eGFP ChIP-seq peaks (red) compared with input control (gray). Blue boxes and lines indicate gene exons and introns, respectively. Black arrows above the TSS indicate the transcription direction. Green boxes under the red peaks indicate the significant binding peaks. |