Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-231207-40
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- Chen et al., 2023 - sox1a:eGFP transgenic line and single-cell transcriptomics reveal the origin of zebrafish intraspinal serotonergic neurons
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LFP is the precursor of both V3 and ISNs (A) UMAP shows the integration of LFP, V3, and ISN-pre cells and their subtypes (publicly available dataset; Tg(olig2:eGFP).41. (B) Feature plots of marker genes for LFP (nkx2.9), V3 (sim1a), and ISN-pre (fev) cells. (C) UMAP shows the integration of LFP, V3, and ISN cells and their subtypes (current study: Tg(sox1a:eGFP)) integrated with the same cells from Tg(olig2:eGFP). (D) Cell trajectory showing LFP as the precursor of V3 and ISN. (E) Heatmap showing pseudotime-dependent differentially expressed genes between LFP and V3/ISN cells. (F) The expression of key TFs for LFP and ISN/V3 is shown in pseudotime. Note that in (C), LFP-1 corresponds to progenitor cells in proliferation originating from 24 hpf and 36 hpf, while LFP-2 represents older non-proliferative LFP cells that correspond to cells coming from 2, 3, and 5 dpf. For this reason, LFP-2 is not included in the pseudotime analysis in (D). |