SLRPs are differentially enriched in CNS lesions of rodents and zebrafish. a Matrisome proteins that exhibit a high abundance after SCI in rat (black) but a low abundance in the zebrafish (red) spinal lesion site are shown. The SLRPs Chad, Lum, Ogn (Ogna), Dcn, Fmod (Fmoda, Fmodb), and Prelp are highlighted. Data are means ± SEM. b Fold change expression of indicated genes in the zebrafish spinal lesion site over unlesioned controls, as determined by qRT-PCR. Expression of aspn but not fmoda, fmodb, dcn, chad, ogna, prelp, and lum is upregulated. Fold change values are presented in log scale. Each data point represents one independent experiment. Data are means ± SEM. Paired two-tailed Student’s t-test. c Expression of aspn (black arrowheads) but not chad, dcn, fmoda, fmodb, lum, ogna, and prelp (white arrowheads) is upregulated in the zebrafish spinal lesion site, as determined by in situ hybridization (ISH). The number of animals displaying the phenotype and the total number of animals is given. Images show lesion site or unlesioned trunk (lateral view; rostral is left). d Expression of aspn but not chad, fmoda, lum, and prelp is increased in the spinal lesion core of adult zebrafish, as compared to baseline levels in rostral control segments of the same animal. Arrowheads indicate fluorescence ISH signal in myotendinous junctions. Asterisks indicate signal in blood vessels. Shown are transversal sections (dorsal is up). Dapi channel is only shown in insets. Dashed lines indicate vertebra. The same results were obtained in three indepedent experiments over n = 6 animals. e Chad, Fmod, Lum, and Prelp proteins are abundant in the fibrous scar after spinal cord transection in adult mice, as detected by immunofluorescence (IF). Images shown are sagittal sections. Asterisks indicate lesion core. Dapi channel is only shown in insets. n = 3 animals for each protein. a–e Scale bars: 500 µm (e), 100 µm (c), 50 µm (d, insets in e), 10 µm (insets in d). b bone, dpl days post-lesion, FC fold change, FDR false discovery rate, mpl months post-lesion, n.s not significant. The rat and mouse icons in a and e were created using BioRender. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.