Fig. 7

Carletti et al., 2023 - The osteogenic and mineralogenic potential of the microalgae Skeletonema costatum and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 in fish models
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Fig. 7

Incidence of skeletal anomalies in zebrafish juveniles fed diets supplemented with the ethanolic extracts of Skeletonema costatum (SKLT) and Tetraselmis striata CTP4 (CTP4). A Scheme illustrating the skeletal elements considered in the analysis of skeletal anomalies. B Incidence of anomalies expressed as a percentage of increment/decrement of anomalies relative to the control group (non-supplemented diet). C Representative images of commonly found skeletal anomalies in AR-S stained fish for all experimental groups. Op + Ba operculum and branchial arches, Vert vertebral bodies, NA + S neural arches and spines, HA + S haemal arches and spines, Uro caudal vertebrae bodies and urostyle, LSK lordosis–scoliosis–kyphosis, DFI deformed fin lepidotrichia, A.Kyp abdominal kyphosis, C.Sco caudal scoliosis, HeA + S deformed haemal arches and spines

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