Figure 7

Yu et al., 2023 - Loss of dlx5a/dlx6a Locus Alters Non-Canonical Wnt Signaling and Meckel's Cartilage Morphology
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Figure 7

Decreased LW ratio of MC and mispositioning of microtubule organizing center (MTOC) in dlx5i6−/− larvae. (AC) Histology stains were revisited to calculate the length and width of MC in 5 dpf (B) and 14 dpf (C) dlx5i6−/− larvae as an indicator of abnormal planar cell polarity. The length of half the MC was measured from the proximal to distal tip (A). Three width measurements were made and averaged to account for potential differences along the arch. (D,E) Larvae at 3 dpf were stained with phalloidin (red) and acetylated tubulin (green) to label cell membranes and MTOC, respectively, in WT (D) and dlx5i6 mutants (E). (D′,E′) Traces of MC cells were made to enable easier analysis. (F) A cell was divided into five regions relative to the MC midline and the position of MTOC was assigned to each region (left schematic). MTOC location should be skewed equally to the left and right positions; however, mutants displayed more randomization with greater number of MTOC in the bottom and center locations. A total of 4 WT and 4 dlx5i6−/− larvae were analyzed, representing 55 cells for each genotype. * p < 0.05.

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