Fig. 5

Bhandari et al., 2023 - Loss of pex5 sensitizes zebrafish to fasting due to deregulated mitochondria, mTOR, and autophagy
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Fig. 5

Inhibiting either the mitochondrial β-oxidation or ATP synthase ameliorates the fasting-associated pex5−/− phenotypes. a Either etomoxir (1.5 μM) or oligomycin (5 pM) was treated from 5 to 9 dpf. A representative image from the survived 40% of the fasted, untreated pex5−/− zebrafish is shown, and the remaining 60% larvae were found dead at 9 dpf as indicated. The average percentage representing the degree of rescue from two independent experiments is presented in each panel. Images were shown in lateral views with anterior to the left. Scale bar = 1 mm. b Liver sections from the WT and pex5−/− zebrafish at 6 dpf treated with either etomoxir (eto, 1.5 μM) or oligomycin (oligo, 5 pM) from 5 dpf were shown following either ORO (upper panels) or PAS staining (lower panels). The same staining of liver sections from untreated WT and pex5−/− zebrafish at 6 dpf was shown for comparison. A representative image for each condition is shown. Scale bar = 100 μm

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