Figure 2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-230115-36
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- Bearce et al., 2022 - Urotensin II-related peptides, Urp1 and Urp2, control zebrafish spine morphology
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(A–C) Lateral views of microcomputed tomography reconstitutions of wild-type (A), urp1∆P;urp2∆P (B) and uts2r3b1436 (C) mutants at 3 mpf. (D) Cobb angle measurements for individual fish in the sagittal plane for urp1∆P;urp2∆P and uts2r3b1436 mutants. Circles represent angles for individual curves. (E-E’) Total Cobb angles with each circle representing an individual fish. The mean ± s.d. is shown. (G’) is the data from G parsed for sex. p-Values are given from two-tailed unpaired student’s t tests. (F) The position of curve apex is plotted and shows that most curves are in caudal vertebrae. n=9 and 8 for urp1∆P;urp2∆P and uts2r3b1436 mutants, respectively.
Fish: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage: | Adult |