The expression analyses of nephrin and podocin in nphs1 mutants. Whole-mount in situ hybridization for nephrin (A–B) and podocin (C–D) at 54 hpf (E–F) Quantitative PCR analyses of mRNA levels of nphs1 and nphs2 show no statistically significant difference between nphs1 heterozygotes (+/-) and nphs1 homozygous mutants (-/-) at 7 dpf for both 5bp deletion (d5) and 28bp deletion (d28) mutant alleles. The expression level is normalized to that of eflα. The error bars show the standard error of the mean (SEM). (G–H) Confocal images of Immunofluorescence staining for nephrin (G, red) and podocin (H, red) at 10 dpf. Podocytes are marked by GFP expression (green) by the Tg (pod:GFP) transgene. No nephrin expression is detected in Tg (pod:GFP); nphs1-/- at 10 dpf, while podocin is present with a grainy pattern.