Connectivity of the larval thalamic bout-preference region.a, Frontal view of an EM reconstruction of neurons in the bout-preference region (BPN KDE, red) of the DT. Axons are shown in blue. b, Top view of the neurons shown in a. c, Magnified view of the thalamic arborization field, outlined in b. Synapses with identified presynaptic partners are shown as blue spheres. One representative synapse of a tectal PVPN axon (white arrow) onto a putative BPN’s dendrite (pBPN, black arrow) is indicated below (randomly chosen). d, Frontal view of tectal PVPNs (green) and their postsynaptic pBPN partners (red). e, Example of a single PVPN (green), which makes ipsilateral synaptic contacts to at least four identified pBPNs (red). f, Side view of the left (top) and the right (bottom) tectal SFGS layers, showing the PVPNs (green) and their presynaptic retinal ganglion cell axons (different colours). PVPN axons are not shown for clarity. g, Side view of the pBPNs (red, axons in blue) and their axonal target regions (Supplementary Video 2). AF4 (yellow) is shown as a reference. h, Circuit diagram. Identified cell types are indicated next to arrows with cell numbers in parentheses. For c, scale bar, 0.5 µm.