cyp17a2-deficiency resulted in impaired locomotion activity and stress response to light in zebrafish. (A, B) The locomotor trajectories of cyp17a2+/+ and cyp17a2-/- adult fish within 5 minutes (n = 10). (C) The distance fish covered at large, slow-mild, and inactive speed. The locomotor trajectories and distance covered at large (> 5 cm/sec), slow-mild (2-5 cm/sec) and inactive (< 2 cm/sec) speed in panel A-C are highlighted in red, green, and grey, respectively. (D) The movement distance curve analyzed in every 30 seconds under the light-stimulated stress within 20 minutes (n = 5). (E) All distance under the light-stimulated stress within 20 minutes (n = 5). (F) The oxygen consumption of cyp17a2+/+ and cyp17a2-/- fish after 2 days starvation (n = 3/group, 3 groups per genotype). n.s., no significant difference. *P < 0.05. **P < 0.01. ****P < 0.0001.