Zebrafish terc controls the expression of promyelopoietic genes in vivo. (A) Workflow of the generation of the terc?/? (terc KO) zebrafish line. (B) Workflow of the generation of the Tg(drl::terc) zebrafish line. (C?F) Expression of the indicated genes in the CHT of wild-type (wt), Tg(drl::terc), and terc KO fish larvae at 2 dpf. Data are representative results of three independent experiments; n = at least 20 larvae per group. (G) Neutrophil counts in the CHT of mpx::GFP larvae (neutrophils labeled by GFP) at 3 dpf. Data are the average of two independent experiments; n = 21 for wt and Tg(drl::terc), and n = 19 for terc KO. Data values shown are fold change over the value of wt sample in C, D, and E. All data are mean + SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 for one-way ANOVA plus Bonferroni posttest.