Weighted Gene Coexpression Network Analysis (WGCNA) of the most aggressive high aggression zebrafish (HAZ) compared to the least aggressive low aggression zebrafish (LAZ). a Correlations between gene coexpression modules identified by WGCNA and experimental group (male and female high aggression zebrafish (HAZm and HAZf), male and female low aggression zebrafish (LAZm and LAZf) as well as aggression duration. The colours of the boxes are scaled with the value of the correlation coefficient ranging from − 1 (green) to 1 (red). The p value of significant correlations and the respective correlation coefficient are shown in the Figure. b–l Eigengene values of samples separated by group (HAZf, HAZm, LAZf and LAZm) for gene modules significantly associated to one or more of the experimental groups or aggression duration. n = 6/group. b Gene coexpression module magenta, c gene coexpression module light yellow, d gene coexpression module dark red, e gene coexpression module violet, f gene coexpression module dark turquoise, g gene coexpression module dark slate blue, h gene coexpression module dark green, i gene coexpression module light cyan1, j gene coexpression module light green, k gene coexpression module dark orange2 and l gene coexpression module plum2. Source data and individual data values are available in Additional file 2