Neurotranscriptomic differences of the most aggressive male and female high aggression zebrafish (HAZ) compared to the least aggressive low aggression zebrafish (LAZ). a Principal component analysis plot of the top 200 most variable genes after differential expression analysis. n = 6/group. b Heatmap of differentially expressed genes (DEGs; padj < 0.05 and LFC > |2|) between female HAZ (HAZf) and female LAZ (LAZf) of cohort 2. Hierarchical clustering of samples and genes reveals large differences between HAZ and LAZ, but similar transcriptional patterns within aggression subgroups. n = 6/group. c Volcano plot displaying DEGs between HAZf and LAZf. DEGs with the lowest adjusted p value (padj) are highlighted. n = 6/group. d Heatmap of differentially expressed genes (DEGs; padj < 0.05 and LFC > |2|) between male HAZ (HAZm) and male LAZ (LAZm) of cohort 2. Hierarchical clustering of samples and genes reveals large differences between HAZ and LAZ, but similar transcriptional patterns within aggression subgroups. n = 6/group. e Volcano plot displaying DEGs between HAZm and LAZm. DEGs with the lowest adjusted p value (padj) are highlighted. n = 6/group. f Venn diagram showing the overlap of DEGs between the HAZf vs. LAZf comparison and the HAZm vs. LAZm comparison. g Volcano plot displaying DEGs between HAZf and HAZm. DEGs are highlighted. n = 6/group. h Volcano plot displaying DEGs between LAZf and LAZm. DEGs are highlighted. n = 6/group. i Venn diagram showing the overlap of DEGs between the HAZf vs. HAZm comparison and the LAZf vs. LAZm comparison. Golden dots in Volcano plots indicate genes upregulated in HAZ more than log fold change 2, blue dots represent genes downregulated in HAZ more than LFC -2 and black dots represent genes not passing these thresholds. Source data and individual data values are available at the ebrains data repository, DOI: 10.25493/VTP5-8J9 and in Additional file 2