Transgenerational effects of selective breeding on anxiety-like behaviour. a–d Time spent in the top zone of the novel tank diving test across generations (F1–F4) of adult high aggression zebrafish (HAZ) and adult low aggression zebrafish (LAZ), which had been previously tested in the mirror-induced aggression assay. Mann-Whitney U test. n = 13–21. ***, P < 0.001 and **, P < 0.01 vs. LAZ. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. e–h Scatter plots visualizing Pearson correlation analysis between time spent attacking the mirror and time spent in the top zone of the novel tank diving test of LAZ across generations (F1–F4). n = 13–21. i–l Scatter plots visualizing Pearson correlation analysis between time spent attacking the mirror and time spent in the top zone of the novel tank diving test of HAZ across generations (F1–F4). n = 18–20. Significant correlations are shown by displaying the correlation coefficient (rp) and p value in the respective Figure panels. Source data and individual data values are available in Additional file 2