Fig. 4
Genetic silencing of the ddx52 ortholog impedes development in the fruit fly. (A) A phylogenetic tree of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Zebrafish, mice and fruit flies were examined in this study. The numbers next to each node indicate how many millions of years ago divergence took place. (B) The major structural domains of Ddx52 are conserved in different animal species. (C) RT-qPCR assay indicating the reduction of ddx52 expression level in progeny from the act-GAL4×UAS-CG5589RNAi BDSC cross. qPCR results were normalized to rp49 (n=4 per group; 40 larvae in each group; mean±s.e.m.; two-tailed Student's t-test). (D) Developmental phenotypes in the fruit fly upon genetic silencing of the ddx52 ortholog, CG5589. In the gfpRNAi control crosses, no live larvae were found after 25 days. In contrast, a large number of live larvae and pupae were detected in both of the CG5589RNAi crosses. (E) Schematic shows the developmental trajectory of fruit flies. Bar charts show the percentages of animals detected at each developmental stage (mean±s.d.). The numbers on the top right corner of each bar chart indicate the total numbers of animals examined in three independent crosses. Pie charts summarize the percentages of animals at each developmental stage. |