Summary of the rescuing and inducing capacities of Ascl1a, Neurod1 and the chimeric Ascl1a/Neurod1 proteins.Left part: Schematic representation of the different transgenes used in this study. Column 1: As indicated by a √ sign, Tg1 to Tg8 are all able to rescue sox4b at 55 hpf in the ascl1a-/- larvae, heat-shocked at 36 and 46 hpf (data from Fig 1). Column 2: Comparison of EEC rescuing capacities of Tg1 to Tg8, compared to Tg2 (Neurod1), arbitrarily set to 100%. ascl1a-/- larvae were heat-shocked at 36, 46 and 56 hpf and the number of EECs determined at 96 hpf by FISH. Data from Figs 3 and 5. Column 3: Percentage of ascl1a-/- larvae showing a rescue of goblet cells at 96 hpf upon the expression of Tg1 to Tg8, induced by 3 heat-shocks at 36, 46 and 56 hpf. Data from Figs 3 and 5Column 4: Comparison of capacities of Tg1 to Tg8 to induce pax6b+ cells in wt larvae compared to Tg2 (Neurod1), arbitrarily set to 100%. Larvae were heat-shocked at 48 and 58 hpf and the number of pax6b+ cells determined at 56 hpf by FISH. Data from S4 Fig. N.D.: not done.