dzip1 mutants show defects in optic fissure closure but not optic fissure formation.(A-P) Wild type (A-D, I-L) and dzip1ts294e mutants (E-H, M-P) visualized for membranes (Tg(bactin2:EGFP-CAAX)) at 24 hpf (A, E, I, M), 36 hpf (B, F, J, N), 48 hpf (C, G, K, O), and 72 hpf (D, H, L, P). (A-H) Images are lateral views of 3-dimensional renderings. (I-P) Images are lateral views, optical sections from 3-dimensional datasets at the proximal-distal midpoint of the lens. Cyan dashed lines in A-P outline optic fissure margins. At 36 hpf and 48 hpf, dzip1-/- embryos display wider optic fissure openings (F, G, N, O, magenta arrowheads). At 72 hpf, all mutants (9/9) still have an open fissure (P, magenta arrowhead), while 2/15 siblings have an open fissure. (Q-S) Quantification of optic fissure opening angle at 24 hpf, 36 hpf, and 48 hpf. n (embryos) for each genotype shown at the base of the graph. P-values were calculated using Welch’s t-test (Q-S). Scale bar: 50 μm. D, dorsal; V, ventral; N, nasal; T, temporal.