Fish with the scenery flow prediction error ensemble swam straight toward the goal with shorter halts than fish with only the color rule-coding ensemble.a, b The traveled distance in five successful GO trials after the establishment of behavioral learning in a fish with both ensembles encoding the color rule that blue is dangerous and the scenery flow prediction error (a) and a fish with only the ensemble encoding the color rule that blue is dangerous (b). The black line indicates the traveled distance. The red line indicates the goal. c Comparison of the period of halts (left panel), number of halts (middle panel), and period of movement (right panel) between two groups. The number of fish which has color rule-coding and putative SFPE ensembles is 8 and that of fish which has only color rule-coding ensemble is 16. Columns and error bars: mean ± SEM. Each circle indicates the value in each fish. Left: *P = 0.028 (Cohen’s d = 0.978302). Middle: P = 0.455. Right: P = 0.457. One-tailed unpaired t-test, n.s., not significant.