Per2 knockout alters the rhythmic mRNA expression of CCGs encoding key enzymes in non-essential amino acid synthesis in the adult zebrafish liver. qRT-PCR analysis of expression levels of six CCGs (A)glu1a, (B)asns, (C)gpt2l(D)glud1b(E)got1, and (F)got2a in WT and per2 KO liver tissues as described in the legend for Figure 6. A change in rhythm was observed for all genes, as determined by a significant ANOVA Genotype × Time interaction effect for all genes (p < 0.001, see Table 1). Asterisks represent levels of significance in comparing the two genotypes at each time point individually, corrected by Sidak’s method (***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05).