Figure 5
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- ZDB-FIG-210911-28
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- Huang et al., 2021 - Development and genetics of red coloration in the zebrafish relative Danio albolineatus
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(A) Brightfield sequence of regeneration illustrating apparent conversion of erythophores to xanthophores (image series representative of all N = 3 fish examined by repeated imaging through regeneration). As fins regenerated, individual erythrophores (circled) near the amputation plane appeared to divide, with presumptive daughter cells having reduced amounts of pigment visible upon contraction with epinephrine and an increasingly yellow–orange color. (B) Schematic of regeneration experiment in C. Fins of Tg(aox5:nucEosFP) fish were photo-converted in toto prior to amputation through the erythrophore region. Fins regenerated over 15 days and pigment pattern had re-formed by 30 days, at which time a new melanophore stripe and distinct regions of erythrophores and xanthophores had developed. (C) Example of cells in regenerative tissue 36 days post-amputation (dpa). Regenerative xanthophores near the plane of amputation often contained photoconverted nucEosFP in a region of fin extending 400 μm from the distalmost red erythrophore into the regenerative xanthophore region (means ± 95% confidence interval; N = 1964 cells in four fish examined). Dashed lines indicate amputation in B and C. Scale bars: 50 μm (A); 100 μm (C).