Le Roy et al., 2021 - Diet and temperature modify the relationship between energy use and ATP production to influence behavior in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
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Mitochondrial bioenergetics and scope for ATP production. State 3 (open circles) and state 4 (filled circles) rates of mitochondrial oxygen consumption in fish fed infrequently (a) and frequently (b) and acclimated to 18°C (blue symbols) and 28°C (red symbols). Rates of oxygen consumption increased with increasing test temperature (main effect, indicated next to legend), but diet and acclimation temperature had no effect on state 3 or state 4 rates. P:O ratios (ATP produced for each oxygen consumed) increased with acclimation temperature and diet, but was highest in 28°C acclimated animals (red bars) that were fed infrequently compared to cold‐acclimated fish (blue bars) and those fed frequently (diet*acclimation interaction; indicated next to legend). ATP production scope increased with increasing test temperature [(e) infrequently fed, (f) frequently fed], and it increased particularly in warm‐acclimated fish that were infrequently fed (acclimation* diet interaction). Means ± SE are shown, and sample size was n = 16–17 fish per treatment group; thin vertical lines in (a) and (b) are to help visual clarity only

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