Confirming the knockdown ability of the splice-blocking dachb-morpholino (dachb-MO-S). (a) Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and (b) quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction showing the expression of dachb relative to ef1? in embryos at 30 h post-fertilization, after injection at the single-cell stage with either the p53-MO or the dachb-MO-S. ef1? was used as an internal control. (b) The data are shown as the mean ± standard error of n = ~30 embryos (acquired on four different occasions) for each of the three experimental conditions used. The asterisks indicate that after injection with the dachb-MO-S, the level of dachb express+ion was significantly reduced (at P < 0.001***; ANOVA Tukey?s test) when compared with that in the p53-MO-injected group.