Fracture analysis in WT and mutant zebrafish. (A and B) Quantification of the intensity of ARS (A) and callous width of experimentally induced fractures (B) normalized to adjacent healthy bone at different time points after injury (D = days after injury) in golgb1wt/X3078 and golgb1X3078/X3078 fish. Dots represent individual fractures. At time points 4 and 7 dpf, 11 fish per line were quantified. At time points 14 and 21 dpf, n = 6 HETs and n = 4 HOM fish. All from a single experiment. Horizontal and vertical orange lines depict median and interquartile range, respectively. No significant differences based on P values calculated with a Mann-Whitney U test comparing the mean value per fish (three fractures per fish). (C) Immunoblots of caudal fin lysates collected from 13-mo-old golgb1+/−;col1a1a:GFP+ and golgb1−/−;col1a1a:GFP+ fish blotted for pro-α1(I). (D and E) Immunoblots with a pro-α1(I) antibody (D) and a Coomassie-stained gel of lysates (E) taken from the regenerated fin of the fish 5 d after initial amputation. (D) Each lane shows one representative individual. (E) Each lane contains sample from a different individual. (F and G) An immunoblot probed with pro-α1(I) (F) and a Coomassie-stained gel of lysates (G) taken from golgb1+/−;col1a1a:GFP+ and golgb1−/−;col1a1a:GFP+ larvae at 5 dpf. Each sample consists of 20 pooled larvae. (H and I) TEM images of collagen fibrils taken at the outer edge of the hemiray bone (H) and basement membrane in the skin (I) of regenerated caudal fins fixed 7 dpi. Fish were 8 mo old at the point of assay. Two females and two males were assayed. All TEM scale bars = 500 nm. A.U, arbitrary units.