Fig. 3

Lambert et al., 2020 - PDE10A inhibition reduces the manifestation of pathology in DMD zebrafish and represses the genetic modifier PITPNA
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Fig. 3

Lifespan Was Extended in pde10a Morphant Dystrophin-Deficient Zebrafish Pairs of sapje-like+/− zebrafish were mated and pde10a morpholino or standard control morpholino (negative control) was injected in one-cell-stage progeny embryos. At 4 dpf, a birefringence assay was performed and unaffected larvae (normal muscle birefringence phenotype) as well as affected larvae (abnormal muscle birefringence phenotype) were sorted. (A and B) From 4 to 30 dpf, the survival of larvae in (A) pde10a morpholino experiments and (B) control morpholino experiments was evaluated and compared to non-injected siblings. One hundred thirty to 300 (n = 130–300) zebrafish per group were analyzed in at least three (N = 3) independent experiments. Statistical differences between groups were determined from a log-rank test (p < 0.05).

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Observed In:
Stage Range: Days 14-20 to Days 30-44

Phenotype Detail
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