Decreased dosages of foxc1 result in multi-organ situs defects. (A) In situ hybridization with myl7 at 48 hpf revealed aberrant cardiac situs (O-loop (green); L-loop (red)) compared with normal D-loop (blue). The prevalence of aberrant situs is increased in foxc1a, foxc1b, and double homozygotes (* p = 0.016, * 0.036, *** < 0.001 respectively, Fisher’s exact test) when compared to WT siblings. (B) At the same stage, the normal arrangement (solitus, blue) of the gut is left-sided liver (l) and right-sided pancreas (p); however, the incidence of abnormal (ambiguous, green) gut situs was significantly greater in double homozygotes (** p = 0.003, Fisher’s exact test).