Fig. 3
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-210222-59
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- Pak et al., 2020 - Pax9 is essential for granulopoiesis but dispensable for erythropoiesis in zebrafish
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Fig. 3. Pax9 is required for emergency granulopoiesis upon bacterial infection. (A) List of bacteria used to infect 3.5dpf zebrafish larvae. (B) Schematic illustration of infection regimen. Bacteria stock was introduced to zebrafish larvae at 1.5dpf, and the number of neutrophils was assessed at 3.5dpf. (C?D) The number of neutrophils in 3.5dpf pax9 morpholino-injected and WT embryos was assessed by Sudan black staining upon exposure to Gram-negative (C) or positive (D) bacteria. Right, bar graphs show percentage of embryos depending on their number neutrophils: low (white), average (light grey), and high (dark grey). (E) Survival curve of pax9 morpholino-injected and WT embryos upon bacterial exposure. The mortality of pax9 morpholino-injected and WT embryos upon bacterial infection was assessed and plotted at observed stages. The mortality of pax9 morpholino-injected embryos was substantially increased compared to WT. |