Competence factor of red cone precursor cells, thrb, is upregulated in the light-damaged retina. (Aa–aj) Single z-plane confocal images of retinal sections from light-damaged Tg[thrb:Tomato]q22 zebrafish (Ag–l,As–aj), (0, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 hLT) immunolabeled for PCNA (Aa–f,As–ad) and the red/green double cone marker, Zpr-1 (Am–x,Aae–aj) and counterstained with DAPI (As–x). (Ay–aj) Regions outlined in panels (As–x) at higher magnification. Arrows, thrb:Tomato-positive INL cells. Scale bars, 20 μm (Aa) and 10 μm (Ay). (B,C) Number of PCNA-positive, thrb:Tomato-positive and PCNA and thrb:Tomato-double positive cells in the INL (B) and ONL (C) over the light treatment timecourse. (D) Number of thrb:Tomato-positive and thrb:Tomato and PCNA-double positive cells in the INL at a different scale to (B). (E) Number of thrb:Tomato-positive, thrb:Tomato and PCNA-double positive cells in comparison to Zpr-1-positive cells and thrb:Tomato, PCNA and Zpr-1-triple positive cells in the ONL of retinas exposed to constant intense light for 0, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 and 96 h. Mean ± SE, n ≥ 9, ∗pTukey < 0.05 and #p < 0.05 indicate comparisons to 0 hLT for the different measures that were assessed. The symbols are color-coded according to the line that they represent in the corresponding graphs (pANOVA, see Table 1). Note, significance was not determined for PCNA in panels (B,C) and symbols indicating significance for thrb:Tomato-positive and thrb:Tomato and PCNA-double-positive cells are not shown in panel (E), as they are indicated in panel (C). (F) Single z-plane confocal images of retinal sections from Tg[thrb:Tomato]q22 zebrafish (Fa–d,g,h) co-labeled with Zpr-1 (Fe–h) and DAPI (Fa,b) at 96 hLT [cells indicated by arrowhead in panel (Aad) at higher zoom] and 2 drec. Arrowheads illustrate the presence of small inner/outer segments. Astericks, thrb:Tomato and Zpr-1 double positive cells. Arrows, Zpr-1-positive and thrb:Tomato-negative cells. Scale bar, 10 μm.