Figure 5
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- ZDB-FIG-210218-47
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- Adikes et al., 2020 - Visualizing the metazoan proliferation-quiescence decision in vivo
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(A) Schematic of wild type vulva and vulva with a divided D cell. (B) Representative images at the Pn.p 6 cell stage from CDK sensor strains (top, middle) and endogenous cdt-1::GFP (bottom), showing wild type vulva on the left and vulva with a divided D cell on the right. Penetrance of each phenotype for each strain is annotated on the DHB image. (C) Frames from a time-lapse with a dividing D cell (left; see Figure 3?video 1). Nuclei (H2B) are highlighted in green for the D cell and cyan for the C cells. Green asterisks mark the D cell and cyan asterisks mark the C cell. Scale bar = 10 ?m. (D) DHB ratio for C cell, quiescent D cell and dividing D cell (n = 10 quiescent D cells, n = 20 C cell divisions and n = 10 D cell divisions). Dotted line indicates time of anaphase. Line and shaded error bands depict mean ± SD. ns, not significant, **p?0.01. Significance determined by statistical simulations; p-values in Supplementary file 1. |