Thirty-minute duration of BMP2/7 sufficient for sizzled, foxi1, and bambia target gene expression.(A) Model of target gene expression regulated by distinct pSmad5 levels or distinct durations of BMP signaling. (B) Model of target gene activation after a 30-minute pulse of BMP ligand exposure. If target genes are activated by different pSmad5 levels, then all 3 target genes will be expressed following exposure to high levels of BMP signaling. If differences in signal duration activate BMP target gene expression, then a gene that requires a short signal duration will be expressed, but genes requiring longer signal durations will not be expressed. (C) Experimental schematic of a bmp7 mutant embryo injected with 5 pg of BMP2/7 protein that is fixed 30 minutes postinjection for pSmad5 immunostaining or FISH. (D) Representative immunostaining of pSmad5 intensities of an uninjected bmp7 mutant (n = 8) and a bmp7 mutant injected with 5 pg of BMP2/7 protein (n = 9). Animal pole is facing up. (E–G) Representative FISH in bmp7 mutants uninjected or injected with 5 pg of BMP2/7 protein for sizzled(E) (n = 11 uninjected, n = 11 injected), foxi1(F) (n = 10, n = 11), and bambia(G) (n = 10, n = 11). Animal pole is facing up. A.U. is arbitrary units. BMP, Bone Morphogenetic Protein; FISH, fluorescent in situ hybridization; hpf, hours post fertilization; pSmad5, phosphorylated Smad5; WT, wild-type.