Effects of histamine receptor H3 (hrh3) deletion on locomotor activity, anxiety and social behaviour. A, Total distance travelled and (B) velocity of hrh3?/? (KO) and corresponding wild?type fish (WT) in the open field test (OFT). n = 12/group. C, Time spent in the top zone, (D) top zone latency and (E) number of top zone entries in the novel tank diving test (NTD). n = 12/group. (F) Nearest neighbour distance (NND) and (G) inter?individual distance (IID) in shoaling assays. n = 6?8. H, Time spent in the social interaction zone and (I) the control zone of the visually mediated social preference test (VMSP). n = 10/group. Student's t test or Mann?Whitney U test. ?P < .01, *P < .05 vs WT. Data are presented as mean ± SEM