Genetic deletion and inverse agonism of the Histamine receptor H3 (hrh3) reduces aggression. A, Target site for CRISPR?Cas9 genome editing within the hrh3 gene. Numbers represent bp positions. B, Representative Sanger sequencing chromatogram of an hrh3+/? fish. Wild?type (WT) and mutant (KO) allele sequences around the mutation site are depicted at the top with a 4 bp insertion in the mutant allele shown in yellow. C, Time spent in aggressive display presented as 5 min time bins, (D) total distance travelled, (E) time spent immobile and (F) angular velocity during a 30 min mirror?induced aggression (MIA) test. n = 10?11. Repeated measures ANOVA or Student's t test. *P < .05 hrh3?/? KO vs WT. G, Time spent in aggressive display, (H) total distance travelled, (I) time spent immobile and (J) angular velocity in a 5 min MIA test after 1 h pre?treatment with pitolisant (2 µmol/L or 3 µmol/L) or vehicle (VEH). n = 8?9. One?way ANOVA followed by Tukey's post?hoc test. *P < .05 vs VEH. Data are presented as mean ± SEM