Impact of A20 deletion on macrophage activity in zebrafish. (A) Representative fluorescent image of A20+/+;mpeg1.1:RFP (top) and A20∆127/∆127;mpeg1.1:RFP (bottom) zebrafish at 1 wpf. (B) Number of macrophages counted from images of zebrafish by A20 genotype as in (A). Data represented as mean ± SD, P-values were determined using Whelch’s t-test. ****P < 0.0001. (C) Representative fluorescent image of A20+/+;lck:RFP (top) and A20∆127/∆127;lck:RFP (bottom) zebrafish at 1 wpf. (D) Number of dermal T lymphocytes counted from images of zebrafish by A20 genotype as in (C). Data represented as mean ± SD, P-values were determined using Whelch’s t-test. ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. (E) 3-D rendering of a Two-Photon microscope tilemap of a double-reporter (NF-κB:EGFP;mpeg1.1:RFP) A20+/+ zebrafish. The image shows three channels: Collagen (in magenta) generated through Second Harmonic, NF-κB (in green) generated though EGFP fluorescence and mpeg1.1 (in red) generated through RFP fluorescence. The accompanying video (Supplementary Video S3) navigates through the 3D rendering. IMARIS Image Analysis Software v8 (BITPLANE, Switzerland) ( (F) Average number of macrophages at the site of injury measured at 24 and 48 h post-injury. Error bands are SEM. Area under the curve at 24 hpi was significant for A20+/+ x A20+/∆127 (*p < 0.05) and A20+/+ x A20∆127/∆127 (*p < 0.05). (G) Screenshots of a Two-Photon z-stack 15 min time-lapse track path of an A20+/+;mpeg1.1:RFP and A20∆127/∆127;mpeg1.1:RFP zebrafish in the resting state. The tracks show the path taken by a representative macrophage expressing RFP. The chosen macrophages are the closest to the average tracking data. (H) Macrophages from mpeg1.1:RFP positive zebrafish were imaged using in vivo two-photon microscopy and their track speed, track displacement and track length were quantified and used to determine a ‘meandering index’. Data collected from 4 A20+/+ and 3 A20+/∆127 comprising of 68 and 98 macrophages tracks respectively. Data represented as mean ± SD, P-values were determined using Mann–Whitney t-test. ****P < 0.0001. Software used for this Figure: GraphPad Prism v7.0 (, Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 (, Leica LAS X (, IMARIS Image Analysis Software v8 (BITPLANE, Switzerland) (