Differential expression of cadherin combinations in ocular motor neurons in Isl1:GFP at 72 hpf.
(A–B) Summary schematics of combinatorial cadherin expression in nIII and nIV neurons based on anatomical location. Font sizes indicate varying expression levels according to the median value of mean fluorescence intensities (in arbitrary units, a.u.) displayed in (D): small (500–1500 a.u.), regular (1500–2500 a.u.), large (2500–3500 a.u.) and large and bold font size (3500+ a.u.). Mean intensities below 500 a.u are omitted. Views represent flattened dorsal and transverse projections. IR, inferior rectus; MR, medial rectus; SR, superior rectus; IO, inferior oblique. (C–P) Expression of type I cadherins cdh2 and cdh4, type II cadherins cdh7a, cdh8, cdh10a and cdh11 and atypical cadherin cdh13 (magenta) in ocular motor neurons (green) and surrounding tissue. Outlines indicate locations of nIII and nIV. White and blue arrows indicate high and low expression, respectively. All images represent snapshots of 3D Imaris visualisations of entire z-stacks. Scale bars = 20 μm. (C–I) Dorsal views of ocular motor neurons and cadherin expression in surrounding tissue and masked by GFP-positive area. (J–P) Transverse views of ocular motor neurons and masked cadherin expression by GFP-positive area. (Q) Corrected mean fluorescence intensities of cadherin expression in nIII and nIV neurons in a.u., detected using RNAscope in situ hybridisation. Data represents median and interquartile range, n = 5 measurements from n = 3 embryos, from three different clutches.
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