The hcfc1aco60/+ allele is associated with increased cell proliferation and minimal cell death. a–a′ Apoptosis of Sox2+ neural precursor cells was assessed using anti-caspase 3 and anti-Sox2 antibodies at 5 days post fertilization (DPF). Representative images are depicted from sibling wildtype (Sibling) or the hcfc1aco60/+ allele (Co60/+). Arrows indicate Sox2+ Caspase+ neural precursors. b The total number of Sox2+ Caspase+ cells was quantified in wildtype siblings and the Co60/+ allele. Independently, the total number of Sox2+ was also quantified and the graph depicts the total number of Caspase positive NPCs (red bars; *p = 1.47822E−16) present within the entire Sox2+ population (gray bars; **p < 0.05). Due to the small number of total Sox2+ Caspase+ cells present, the data is depicted as total numbers of cells in the entire brain. N = 3/group. c–d, c′–d′ Representative images of larvae (Sibling or Co60/+) pulsed with ethynyl-deoxyuridine (EdU) to monitor cell proliferation at 2DPF. c, d Are 20× magnifications and c′, d′ represent region in the inset at 63× magnification. e Quantification of the total number of EdU positive cells in forebrain (FB), midbrain (MB), and hindbrain (HB) of siblings and hcfc1aco60/+ larvae at 2 DPF. *p = 0.060553, **p = 0.00108, ***p = 0.006642, N = 9 per group. All error bars represent standard error of the mean