Fig. s3

Marchi et al., 2020 - Bidirectional crosstalk between Hypoxia-Inducible Factor and glucocorticoid signalling in zebrafish larvae
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Fig. s3

gr-/-; vhl-/- larvae showed a reduced phd3:eGFP brightness and a partially rescued Vhl phenotype. A-D?. Representative pictures of WISH performed on DMSO and BME [30 ?M] treated arnt1 mutant line, at 5 dpf, using cyp17a2 as probe. A-A?) arnt1 wt DMSO treated larvae (n = 26/28) showed normal cyp17a2 expression, whereas 2/28 larvae showed a weaker one; B-B?) arnt1 wt BME treated larvae (n = 28/30) showed downregulated cyp17a2 expression, whereas 2/30 larvae showed a normal one. C-C?) In contrast, arnt1-/- DMSO treated larvae (n = 24/28) showed upregulated cyp17a2 expression, whereas 4/28 larvae showed a weaker one. D-D?) arnt1-/- BME treated larvae (n = 25/29) showed downregulated cyp17a2 expression, whereas 4/29, showed a normal one. Chi-square test (****P < 0.0001). Scale bar 200 ?m. E-H?. Representative pictures of WISH performed on DMSO and BME [30 ?M] treated vhl mutant line, at 5 dpf, using cyp17a2 as probe. E-E?) DMSO treated vhl siblings (n = 18/21) showed normal cyp17a2 expression, whereas 3/21 larvae showed a weaker one; F-F?) BME treated vhl siblings (n = 28/30) showed downregulated cyp17a2 expression, whereas 2/30 larvae showed a normal one. G-G?) On the other hand, vhl-/- DMSO treated larvae (n = 27/28) showed weak cyp17a2 expression, whereas 1/28 larvae showed a normal one. H-H?) vhl-/- BME treated larvae (n = 30/30) showed downregulated cyp17a2 expression. Chi-square test (****P < 0.0001). Scale bar 200 ?m. I-I?. Representative picture of the colour threshold area calculation method (ImageJ software?s tool) used to quantify the area occupied by the cyp17a2 WISH staining both in arnt1 siblings (n = 9) and arnt1-/- (n = 9). I?. unpaired t-test (****P <0.0001).

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