Shared synteny of USP4 and USP11 loci in Euteleosts. a Illustrated comparison of USP loci for elephant shark (Callorhincus milii), spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus), green anole (Anolis carolinensis) and human (Homo sapiens). Genes are represented by arrows, where black outlines indicate paralogous genes and striping indicates pseudogenes. Paralogs shared by USP4 and USP11 are coloured gold, while those shared by USP4 and USP15 are coloured purple. Genomic location of loci is indicated to the right. Upper and lower estimates of divergence times (in millions of years) indicated to the left for the following clades (in ascending order): jawed vertebrates (incl. shark), euteleosts (incl. gar), tetrapods (incl. anole) and mammals (human). Stars indicate inferred divergence times for USP4-15 (purple) and USP4-USP11 (gold). b Schema of paralogous gene collinearity and rearrangement events in (USP4-USP11) and (USP4-USP15) loci