Fig 3

Conant, 2020 - The lasting after-effects of an ancient polyploidy on the genomes of teleosts
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Fig 3

The estimated value of the biased fractionation parameter ε in the real teleost genomes (WGD<italic>-bf</italic> model, arrow, see <xref rid='sec013' ref-type='sec'>Methods</xref>) is significantly different than those estimated from simulated genomes where biased fractionation was explicitly not included in the model (e.g., simulated ε = 1.0, bars).

Estimates of ε from these 100 simulations are always less than 1.0 because the model fits stochastic variations in the preservation patterns as potential biased fractionation. However, this stochastic variation never yields estimates of ε as small as seen in the real dataset (P<0.01).

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