Mitosis is required for lumen formation.a Model depicting zebrafish embryo (top) and KV morphology (bottom) during development. Approximate location of KV denoted by magenta spot. KV membrane (magenta) and regions of apical polarity (black) depicted in model below. b Top: maximum confocal projections of KV at developmental stages denoted in a. pH3 (mitotic nuclei, cyan) and KV membrane marker (Sox17:GFP-CAAX, magenta) shown. Bottom: KV membrane marker (Sox17:GFP-CAAX—gray) and lumen trace (orange) shown. Bars, 50 μm. c Mitotic indices (%) represented as violin plot with endpoints depicting minimum and maximum values, quartiles depicted by thin black lines, median depicted by thick black line. n > 247 cells/stage, n = 43 embryos, two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t-test. Statistical results detailed in Supplementary Table 5. d Representative 3D renderings of KV under conditions of DMSO vehicle control, microtubule inhibition (1 μM nocodazole), or PLK1 inhibition (1 μM BI2536). Sox17:GFP-CAAX (magenta), pH3-positive nuclei (cyan), and DAPI (blue) shown on the left. Sox17:GFP-CAAX (gray) and lumen trace (orange) shown on the right. Percentages indicate mitotic index of image, lumen area denoted. Bar, 20 μm. e Violin plot depicting normalized 2D lumen area under conditions represented in d with endpoints depicting minimum and maximum values, quartiles depicted by thin black lines, and median depicted by thick black line. One-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison and statistical results are detailed in Supplementary Table 5 (****p < 0.0001 for n > 41 embryos).