Mutation in plvapb leads to increased density of fenestrae but not caveolae. (A,B) Representative TEM images of endothelial cells of the adult zebrafish hypophyses, showing the increased number of fenestrae (arrowheads) along the endothelium in the plvapb−/− mutant fish. Scale bars: 500 nm. (C,D) Representative TEM images of endothelial cells of adult zebrafish hypophyses showing multiple caveolae (arrowheads) along the endothelial wall. Scale bars: 100 nm. (E,F) Quantification of the linear density of diaphragmed and non-diaphragmed fenestrae (E) and caveolae (F) per length unit of endothelium. The number of these structures was counted and the endothelial cell length was measured within each blood capillary (5-25 blood capillaries per biological repeat). The density was calculated as the number of fenestrae and caveolae divided by endothelial wall length (nm). The density then was multiplied by 104 to represent the result as density per 10 µm of endothelial wall. A significant increase in the linear density of the diaphragmed and non-diaphragmed fenestrae, but not caveolae, was observed in the plvapb−/− mutants (***P<0.001, ns, not significant; two-way ANOVA, n=3 for each genotype). Data are mean±s.e.m. See related Fig. S7.