The reduction of MGPC proliferation in <italic>oct4</italic> knockdown retina and the rescue with <italic>gfp-oct4</italic> mRNA transfection.(A, B) IF confocal microscopy images of retinal cross sections show the decline in EdU+ MGPCs with increasing concentrations of 2-oct4 MO at 4 dpi (A), which is quantified (B); *P < 0.001 (t test), N = 4. (C, D) IF confocal microscopy images of retinal cross sections show the decline in PCNA+ MGPCs with oct4 MO that is rescued with gfp-oct4 mRNA at 4 dpi (C), which is quantified (D); *P < 0.001 (t test), N = 3. Ctl MO is control MO. Error bars are SD. (A, C) Scale bars, 10 μm; the asterisk marks the injury site, GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer (A, C).