Taz and Tead1a are required for boundary expression of rfng. (A–H) Hindbrain boundary expression of rfng is reduced in taz knockdowns (B), and in taz (C) and tead1a (F) transient knockouts compared to controls (A), while yap1 knockdown (D) and yap1 (E) and tead3a (G) transient knockouts have normal rfng expression. (H) Scoring of boundary expression of rfng in different conditions according to severity levels: wild type = normal expression of rfng in all boundaries; severity 1 = general reduction of rfng expression levels; severity 2 = partial absence of rfng expression leading to discontinuous boundaries; severity 3 = total absence of rfng boundary expression. Number of embryos: control (15); MO-taz (20); CRISPR-taz (30); MO-yap1 (52); CRISPR-yap1 (21); CRISPR-tead1a (23); CRISPR-tead3a (12). Dorsal views, anterior to the top. Scale bar: 50 μm.