Eph-ephrin signalling and actomyosin tension regulate Taz nuclear localization. (A–C) Time course of the localization of Taz protein. Nuclear localization of Taz starts to be detected in hindbrain boundaries at 14 hpf (A, A’). Several boundaries have elevated nuclear Taz at 16 hpf (B, B’), and nuclear Taz is present in all boundaries at 18 hpf (C, C’). (D–F) Nuclear Taz is reduced at r2/r3, r3/r4 and r5/r6 boundaries in epha4 null (D, D’), epha4Δ651 (E, E’) and epha4aKD mutants (F, F’) at 18 hpf. (G, G’) Ectopic cells with elevated nuclear Taz are observed at 18 hpf after mypt1 knockdown. (H, H’) Blebbistatin treatment inhibits the nuclear accumulation of Taz at boundaries. (I) Quantitation of number of nuclei with Taz staining in controls (n = 12) and mypt1 knockdowns (n = 13) (****p<0.0001). (J–L) Higher magnification images corresponding to boxed areas in C’, D’ and G’. Dorsal views, anterior to the top. Arrowheads indicate boundary position; asterisks indicate boundaries with reduced nuclear Taz; brackets indicate expansion of nuclear Taz staining. Scale bar: 30 μm.