Rbm14 partitions into RNP compartments and complex with RNA-binding proteins important for RNA metabolism.a, b The nucleoplasmic puncta (arrowheads) of endogenous human Rbm14 and exogenous zRbm14b were sensitive to RNA pol II activity. HeLa cells that were untransfected (a) or transiently transfected to express GFP-zRbm14b (b) were treated with actinomycin D for 60 min prior to fixation. Nuclear DNA was visualized with DAPI. Arrows indicate fluorescent signals at nucleolar caps. c Human Rbm14 localized to stress granules (SGs; arrows). HeLa cells were treated with sodium arsenite to induce SGs. Untreated cells were used as control. eIF3b served as an SG marker. d zRbm14b translocated into SGs (arrows) through phase separation. HeLa cells transiently expressing the indicated zRbm14b mutants were treated with sodium arsenite. e Mouse Rbm14 associated with large protein complexes. Flag-GFP and Flag-mRbm14 expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells were immunoprecipitated using anti-Flag resin. The immunoprecipitates were resolved by SDS-PAGE and silver stained. f The top 10 hits of potential Rbm14-associated proteins. The immunoprecipitates of Flag-GFP and Flag-Rbm14 were subjected to shotgun mass spectrometric analysis. The top ten hits identified exclusively from the latter sample, according to total peptide count, are listed. g Top ten gene ontology (GO) term hits on candidate Rbm14-associated proteins. Only proteins identified exclusively in the Flag-mRbm14 sample were used for the analysis. h zRbm14b also associated with hnRNP proteins. GFP-tagged mRbm14 and zRbm14b expressed in HeLa cells were immunoprecipitated using anti-GFP resin and immunoblotted to detect the indicated proteins