Fig. 3

Fei et al., 2018 - A cargo model of yolk syncytial nuclear migration during zebrafish epiboly
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Fig. 3

E-YSN migration pathways along microtubules bundled by Rassf1. Lateral view of stills from confocal time lapse (Movie 3). Nuclei labeled with H2B-RFP and microtubules with GFP-Dcx, and Rassf1 expressed in the YSL. White asterisks indicate regions depleted of microtubules. White arrowhead indicates a microtubule bundle flanked by depleted regions. Several nuclei move down this central bundle. Yellow and blue arrowheads indicate nuclei that move across thin microtubule bundles oriented perpendicularly to the animal-vegetal axis. Pink arrowhead indicates a pair of nuclei that move animally. Bracket in panel 1 indicates YSL. n=8. Scale bar: 50 µm

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